Welcome to Katalin's Author Services

Hello, I'm Katalin, and I've started my indie author journey in 2014 - and have been actively assisting other indie authors for the past 5 years.

Most of the advice you find online is usually aimed at writers living in the US, if you're lucky, maybe they'll mention Canada, the UK, Australia, even New Zealand... but what about the rest of the world? It can be difficult to find the relevant information if you're residing outside of the US, not to mention, the limited of opportunities. Not all publishing platforms are available in all countries. Some apps have features only available for US residents. And each country has their own ISBN agency, tax rules, etc. But there are some common things we can still learn about.

I write in English so I'm most familiar with the English-speaking indie sphere, however, I reside in Europe, which sometimes mean extra hoops to jump through.

If you're lost in the sea of information, if you're new to self-publishing, or if you don't even know whether you want to self-publish or not, this is a good place to start. I'll post about the indie publishing industry and I'm here to help you.

You can also book a consulation with me where you can get answers to your questions about self-publishing. Or you can hire me to take care of those pesky admin tasks for you ;)